Masetlaoka Information Technology (MIT) is an ICT company under the Masetlaoka Business Holding (MBH) umbrella. At inception its primary focus was to provide bespoke ICT solutions to MBH and all its subsidiaries. During this process, MIT identified a
niche in the market, which our expertise could meet. As such, MIT decided to extend its reach to provide market solutions and services outside MBH.
At MIT we provide our clients with professional IT consulting services, based on their IT and resource requirements. MIT is the ideal partner for the provision of skilled and experienced IT consultants across the whole spectrum
of IT competencies and technologies.
MIT offers individuals or teams of IT consultants on contract (long term and short term), to assist our clients to achieve their business goals. Our consultants can be added to the clients’ project teams as additional resources,
providing them with a flexible resourcing solution. Alternatively, we will manage the consultant(s) to deliver a specific goal or requirement on behalf of the client.
MIT is committed to being a successful global information technology company, which collaborates closely with our customers to deliver innovative and value-driven ICT products and services, and is trusted by them for service excellence.
To provide the suite of services and products that enable clients to deliver innovative solutions, strengthen their internal control and improve project governance, thereby improving efficiencies and rationalising costs.